Psychothérapeute bilingue anglais et français à Londres

Aspects pratiques

Une psychothérapie se déroule au moyen de séances au minimum hebdomadaires, qui sont programmées idéalement à la même heure chaque semaine. Elle peut avoir lieu au cabinet en face-à-face, en ligne ou par téléphone. Les honoraires par séance vont de £110 à £150, et sont révisés annuellement. Les séances peuvent être décalées ou annulées sans…

Article Review: Remote Working During the Pandemic (Gillian Isaacs Russell, 2020)

In this Q&A with the board of the British Journal of Psychotherapy (BJP), psychoanalyst Gillian Isaacs Russell, author of the 2015 book Screen Relations, discusses changes to the experience of psychotherapy brought about by the twin factors of the Covid-19 pandemic and the abrupt shift to “mediated communication” by phone or video conferencing (p. 1). Implicitly, the author writes from the standpoint that, beyond providing for continuity of care, there are no therapeutic opportunities inherent to technologically mediated treatment for either patient or therapist, and expresses the hope that “the value of co-present relating has been rediscovered and reasserted” (p. 10). This short review hopes to provide some element for patients and practitioners who wish to put this in perspective with their own experience.


“The true test of intelligence is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we don’t know what to do”. John Holt


Psychotherapy sessions are weekly appointments, which is the recommended minimum frequency, ideally at the same time every week. They can take place face-to-face, online or over the telephone. Cedric’s charges for psychotherapy sessions on a sliding scale from £110 to £150. Fees are reviewed annually. Sessions can be rescheduled or cancelled with one week’s notice…